Our Family

My photo
Brian is from Idaho Falls, ID, and I am from Orem, UT. We met many years ago at Utah State University. We have 3 daughters: Maya who's 9,Kaitlyn who's 7, and Taygen who's 1. We had twin boys Dylan and Gavin. We lost our son Dylan, but Gavin is 4.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Western Days

Why is it that the preschools and schools think it is so fun to have themed days and have the kids get all dressed up?! It is not so fun for the moms! Halloween is one thing, but then they throw in Native American day, Western Days, etc. Who has that kind of stuff on hand?! Not me! I am all for school spirit and wearing jammies to school, but this kind of stuff is over the top for me. I pulled some things together and borrowed things from people (thanks Julie!) in order to pull this simple western outfit off. Luckily Kaity's hair is long so I could just do braids. She was way excited when she went to school. Daddy told her that she looked beautiful and that "Mommy wins again!" I need to keep a tab of when daddy recognizes that I pulled off the impossible again! They totally don't get how hard it is to be mommy and have to pull off all the school projects, holidays, activities. It is a full time job just to do that! Thankfully this one worked out ok.

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