Our Family

My photo
Brian is from Idaho Falls, ID, and I am from Orem, UT. We met many years ago at Utah State University. We have 3 daughters: Maya who's 9,Kaitlyn who's 7, and Taygen who's 1. We had twin boys Dylan and Gavin. We lost our son Dylan, but Gavin is 4.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

So Far, So Good

Well we are halfway there! I can't believe I am already over 20 weeks along. The time is moving far too quickly for me!! We had our ultrasound this morning. All looks really good. The baby is super cute! Of course it is super cute just to see a healthy heart beat. The baby was sucking it's thumb for us too. It was fun to see a healthy perfect baby. I have been freaking out because I haven't felt any movement, and I had before now with my other pregnancies because I am not very big. The tech said that my placenta is right in front so it may be awhile before I feel movement. That was a huge relief! You could see the baby moving like crazy on the screen. This picture of the baby pointing was kind of fun! They do a few 3D pictures of the baby, so it was fun to get to see it's face a little better. Of course the baby had it's hands over it's face most of the time!
So, I am sure you are wondering what the sex is after all that! Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we didn't find out. Yes, you read that right. It was mostly my decision. I have to be honest and say that it wasn't so that we could be surprised in the end. This is my way of emotionally protecting myself a little longer. If I don't find out the sex, then I don't have to name it and buy things for it. Packing up all of Dylan's brand new stuff was one of the hardest parts of our loss. His stuff is still boxed up in my basement and will probably remain there. I can't go through all that emotion right now. The less time I spend stressing, the better for all of us. If the baby has a name and becomes a real part of this family, I will be in constant emergency mode to keep this baby alive. It's probably best for the family if I am not that stressed out quite yet! We had them write down the sex and print a picture for us, and we will open it at a later date.


The Gray Gang said...

What a very exciting day for you guys! I love the ultra sound pictures. You've been in our thoughts and prayers. We hope you can feel at peace at this time!

Camille said...

Hey there! I didn't know you were pregnant! Congratulations and can't wait to hear what you're having!!! Little Ruby is on the ground with Hunter right now and he is an excellent big brother. I love seeing him kiss her and be so gentle with her...I never imagined he'd be so ready for another baby. I'm sure Gavin will be great with him/her. Love you guys!

Suzy J said...

congratulations friend! We will keep you in our prayers. Have faith and peace!