Our Family

My photo
Brian is from Idaho Falls, ID, and I am from Orem, UT. We met many years ago at Utah State University. We have 3 daughters: Maya who's 9,Kaitlyn who's 7, and Taygen who's 1. We had twin boys Dylan and Gavin. We lost our son Dylan, but Gavin is 4.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

You're like Harry Potter!

There we are sitting at dinner and Kaitlyn informs us that she wants a bed. Brian tells her that she already has a bed. She emphatically says, "No!, I don't have a bed I sleep in a drawer!" I can't even keep my food in at this point. Of course she doesn't really sleep in a drawer, it is a trundle bed, but in her little mind, it is a drawer. It looks like one and it pulls out just like a drawer. So Maya tries to make her feel better by telling her that Harry Potter sleeps in a closet. It's a no go! She still thinks she sleeps in a drawer! We are hoping to finish the basement next summer and finally get her out of the drawer. Poor kid! We definitely get the mean parents award!

1 comment:

Lisa M said...

I absolutely love Katie. I am amazed how with how her little brain works. Were did your baby go??