Brian and I voted for the first time today! I haven't voted before because we are usually in a different state or city than we are registered in. I am not organized enough in order to get an absentee ballot. I have mixed feelings about voting since we don't really get to vote for the president. It was fun anyway. It didn't take very long, but it was butt freakin' cold and I parked as far away as possible and then carried Gavin and the carseat all that way!
How cold was it?
(you just make me laugh - lunch soon? seriously.)
I found you!! I was thinking you HAD to have a blog because you're all digital scrapbooky and stuff. I even tried to search for you but I guess your blog is pretty new. I was thinking about you the other day and wondering where you lived. I couldn't remember where. Your girls are so big! They are too cute. And your little boy is adorable. I will be blog stalking you now so look out! You're probably missing Texas winter right about now too.
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