I meant to blog about last week before now, but it was crazy busy! I still haven't fully recovered. I finally got most of the dishes done and the floor swept. I still need to clean up a lot though. It was spring break for the kids so I took them to a few fun places so they could enjoy their break. We got to go to lunch, breakfast, and dinner. We went to Monkey Island and played on the blow up toys.
Brian was gone for most of the week in Georgia on a business trip. He got back late Wednesday. We got to go to breakfast with him Thursday morning. The kids had a really good time. On the weekend, we had lots of family come because we were putting together a playset, and we had Taygen's baby blessing. The kids got to go swimming at the hotel where their Grandpa and Grandma were staying.
Maya showed off some of her swimming skills and raced with her Uncle Logan.
Everybody pretty much stayed in the hot tub because the pool was freezing!
On Saturday morning, our ward had an easter party. They kids got to go on a little easter egg hunt.
It was super cold outside so we didn't stay long. We stayed to see our bottle rocket launched and they we took off. Then the kids got to color eggs with Grandma.
That kept them busy while the other adults put together the playset. I feel really bad about the playset because everybody was putting it together for two days
They hardly stopped to eat and it still took that long! They didn't finish until late Saturday night. The kids were standing there waiting impatiently to get on it! We had to let them play on it even though it was dark by then! It was really nice of all our family to help out. We never could have done it without them!
We prayed really hard that Taygen would be good for the blessing. Alas, she started to cry as soon as we got to the church! She was reasonably good during the blessing. She started to get really fussy toward the end. I put all three pictures of my girls in the blessing dress. I can't believe how much they look like each other!