Maya receives notes like this from school almost daily. I find them when I am cleaning out her backpack. For some reason there are several boys that seem to think they are in love with her. She comes home with notes that have their names, addresses, and phone numbers on them. What is up with that?! She is six years old! When I ask her about them, she just shrugs it off by saying, "They just have a crush on me mom." Great, that makes me feel a lot better! She even got Christmas presents from these admirers. Now obviously they couldn't have gone to the store, bought a present, wrapped it, and then brought it to school all on their own. So the mothers clearly know the boys like her.
It's fine right now, but what happens in a few years?! Right now she says her dad is her only love, I sure hope that lasts a little longer! Brian has both the girls convinced that there can be no other man in their life forever. I think that is one of those commitments they grow up to regret agreeing too! Maybe we will need to home school and invest in a few shot guns!