I signed up to help with it. While I was getting ready my mother told me I needed to be dressed up. "All the other mothers will be dressed up!" So I quickly throw on a ridiculous attempt at a clown with a dance costume (that was worn over a decade ago) and a wig. Of course I get there and guess who is the only mother dressed up?! So begins the drama of Halloween. It is just not escapable. The kids were Sleeping Beauty, Tinkerbell, and Gavin was a puppy. Brian got to dress up as Anakin or a Syth Lord, much to his shagrin I'm sure!
We went trick-or-treating at Brian's work and then we went to Lola's house (grandma) to trick-or-treat. I like going to my mom's neighborhood because I grew up there so I know everybody. Therefore, it must be safer! Plus, we always went to my grandmother's house to go trick-or-treating. Kaitlyn (our special child) fell a few times and brought on the attention of the entire city with her bloodcurdling cry. The best story of the night happened at one of my mom's neighbors' house. He has built an entire pirate ship that he puts up in their front lawn. Then he dresses up as Jack Sparrow. He is really good too, with the attitude and accent. SO there is a big crowd watching him do his thing. We had hyped the kids up about seeing it. As we are leaving Kaitlyn says," (with a disappointed tone and look) I thought he was a REAL pirate!" I thought I was going to die laughing. Here this guy had spent all the time and effort to be flawless and it wasn't convincing at all to a three year old! Oh well! What can you do? Thus, another Halloween has passed. I can't believe it was Halloween last year when we found out we were having twins. Our lives have certainly changed since that moment. Here's to a better year!